I'm back on Windows. After 8 years on a Macintosh I just couldn't go another day with ONLY 16GB of RAM. I priced it out and for the cost of a top of the line MacBook I could get a tricked out PC with 32GB of ram and 2.5 TB or hard drive space (1.5 of it being SSD). So I made the switch. To get a top performing laptop I ended up buying a gaming machine from xoticpc.com. The model is Sager NP9752 (Clevo P750ZM). I have to say I like it quite a bit. One of the features I was curious about was the "Programmable backlit keyboard". With it you can set your keyboard backlight to various colors and light movement patterns. Now, when I hear "programmable" I think APIs. I was a little disappointed to find out there weren't any documented APIs that I could use to control the keyboard. Your only choice is to use their built in tool to configure the lights on the keyboard. That stinks. I want to be able to change key colors automatically from the command line and from within my own programs. So through a little code analysis and examination of open source Linux versions of drivers I was able to put together the following Powershell Script.
Updated link: https://github.com/MarkBaggett/MarkBaggett/blob/master/set-kbled.ps1
After downloading and storing the script on your local hard drive you import the module into Powershell like this:
C:\PS>import-module .\set-kbled.ps1
Then you can run various options and set your keyboard lights:
C:\PS>SET-KBLED -LeftColor RED -CenterColor WHITE -RightColor Blue
Or turn the lights off
Or turn the lights back on:
Or try some of the various blinking patterns:
C:\PS>SET-KBLED -Pattern Blink
Now I can have my keyboard lights react to specific events on my event log. I can set my laptop so that the keyboard turns BLOOD RED when I launch Metasploit or it Blinks frantically if a virus is detected. I can have it turn blue when I play some easy listening music. The possibilities are endless. Do you have a Sager or Clevo compatible laptop? Try it. Make sure your Powershell Window is running as an administrator, import the module and try some of the commands above. GET-HELP SET-KBLED -Full for a complete list of options. How you enjoy it. Now on to some real work.
Updated link: https://github.com/MarkBaggett/MarkBaggett/blob/master/set-kbled.ps1
After downloading and storing the script on your local hard drive you import the module into Powershell like this:
C:\PS>import-module .\set-kbled.ps1
Then you can run various options and set your keyboard lights:
C:\PS>SET-KBLED -LeftColor RED -CenterColor WHITE -RightColor Blue
Or turn the lights off
Or turn the lights back on:
Or try some of the various blinking patterns:
C:\PS>SET-KBLED -Pattern Blink
Now I can have my keyboard lights react to specific events on my event log. I can set my laptop so that the keyboard turns BLOOD RED when I launch Metasploit or it Blinks frantically if a virus is detected. I can have it turn blue when I play some easy listening music. The possibilities are endless. Do you have a Sager or Clevo compatible laptop? Try it. Make sure your Powershell Window is running as an administrator, import the module and try some of the commands above. GET-HELP SET-KBLED -Full for a complete list of options. How you enjoy it. Now on to some real work.